Rose Quartz, Crystal Quartz, Pink Quartz and Druzy pendant, set in Sterling Silver.  Size approx. 2 1/4” x 1 1/2”, Bale opening approx. 1/4”
Rose Quartz, Crystal Quartz, Pink Quartz and Druzy pendant, set in Sterling Silver.  Size approx. 2 1/4” x 1 1/2”, Bale opening approx. 1/4”



Rose Quartz, Crystal Quartz, Pink Quartz and Druzy pendant, set in Sterling Silver. (chain not included)

Chain available on chain page

Size approx. 2 1/4” x 1 1/2”, Bale opening approx. 1/4”

We photograph each item and do our very best to display accurate colors, measurements, and patterns. Items with slight variances will not be considered defective, as each item may be a bit unique in pattern placement or colors.

DISCLAIMER - I can’t advise, diagnose, prescribe or recommend any stone has any medical proven effects.

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As a stone of love, Rose Quartz is a powerful crystal for anyone seeking to bring more love into their life. The Rose Quartz healing properties connect to the heart chakra, the center of love. By opening and healing your heart center, the Rose Quartz meaning helps guide you to deepen relationships and embrace kindness, compassion, tenderness, and love toward yourself and those around you.

To help you attract new love, the frequencies of the Rose Quartz meaning help support you on your healing journey so you can bring your heart center back to its highest frequency. As part of the healing process, the Rose Quartz crystal meaning opens the heart and allows you to restore trust, an essential process for moving forward. If you have been holding onto negativity from the past, Rose Quartz can help you replace those dark feelings with pure thoughts of unequivocal love. Rose Quartz healing properties can help you understand and accept past situations, which will allow your heart to heal from emotional wounds and transform into a renewed state of trust

Pink Quartz, like its sister Rose Quartz, is a stone of the Heart Chakra, with a soft, feminine energy of compassion and peace, emotional healing, love and friendship. But Pink Quartz is also a stone of innocence, with small, enchanting crystals reminiscent of a cotton candy, sugar-coated time of purity, simplicity and wonder. It inspires gentleness and kindness, enkindles enthusiasm, and awakens the heart to love and trust, budding passions, and exploration of the world. Pink Quartz is a talisman of discovery and emergence, of coming into one’s own and determining how one fits into the universe. It aids the unfolding of one’s interests and talents, and nurtures self-love and respect of others. Pink Quartz is equally supportive of those who are disenchanted with the world, to return to their pure heart and help recover who they truly are at their core.

When someone asks you what you want in life or what your goals are, do you find it difficult to answer? Do you know what you want but find it challenging to make it a reality? You need the energy of clarity and manifestation that a Clear Quartz crystal provides.

The Clear Quartz crystal meaning is known for its high vibrations. By clearing your mind, body, and spirit of any clutter, a Clear Quartz crystal can help you align with your highest self and live at your highest potential.  

The Clear Quartz crystal stone meaning is especially powerful for anyone looking to set and achieve new goals. By helping you get crystal clear on what you want and how to manifest it, the Clear Quartz crystal meaning supports you in creating a vision of your life that is unique to you. The Clear Quartz crystal stone helps you drown out the noise from the outside world or any internal distraction so you can see your ideal life in your mind’s eye and work toward making it a reality.