108 bead mala, handmade jewelry, beaded jewelry, african turquoise mala, onyx mala, lava stone mala, african turquoise beads, lava stone beads, onyx beads
108 bead mala, handmade jewelry, beaded jewelry, african turquoise mala, onyx mala, lava stone mala, african turquoise beads, lava stone beads, onyx beads
108 bead mala, handmade jewelry, beaded jewelry, african turquoise mala, onyx mala, lava stone mala, african turquoise beads, lava stone beads, onyx beads
108 bead mala, handmade jewelry, beaded jewelry, african turquoise mala, onyx mala, lava stone mala, african turquoise beads, lava stone beads, onyx beads
108 bead mala, handmade jewelry, beaded jewelry, african turquoise mala, onyx mala, lava stone mala, african turquoise beads, lava stone beads, onyx beads
108 bead mala, handmade jewelry, beaded jewelry, african turquoise mala, onyx mala, lava stone mala, african turquoise beads, lava stone beads, onyx beads



108 Bead Mala handmade in Northern Thailand. African Turquoise, Lava stone, Onyx, Hematite and clear Quartz.

This Mala is made so the tassel can be removed at the Guru bead and you can put a charm of your liking or nothing at all, to make this uniquely yours.

Your Mala serves as a tangible reminder of your spiritual journey and energy alignment. Whether used for meditation or as a symbol of intention, its smooth stones provide a tactile guide, offering a sense of calm and balance. Mala beads are traditionally crafted from natural gemstones, sandalwood, or Rudraksha seeds, each carrying its own unique properties. Trust your intuition to guide you when choosing a Mala that resonates with your essence, be it the color, style, or healing qualities of the stones.

We photograph each item and do our very best to display accurate colors, measurements, and patterns. Items with slight variances will not be considered defective, as each item may be a bit unique in pattern placement or colors

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AFRICAN TURQUOISE is thought to promote emotional healing, balance mood swings, and enhance communication skills. It is also thought to provide protection against negative energies and promote spiritual growth.

LAVA STONE is known to have a grounding and calming effects, helping to stabilize emotions and provide strength during challenging times. It is also thought to have a protective energy that shields against negativity and promotes courage and resilience. Additionally, lava stone is often used in aromatherapy as it can absorb and diffuse essential oils, providing a soothing and therapeutic experience.

ONYX is believed to have grounding and protective qualities, helping to absorb and transform negative energy. It is also thought to promote inner strength, self-confidence, and mental clarity. Onyx is often associated with enhancing focus and concentration, making it useful for tasks requiring mental discipline. Additionally, onyx is believed to aid in releasing old patterns and promoting emotional healing.

HEMATITE is known to have grounding and balancing effects, helping to stabilize emotions and promote a sense of calmness. It is also thought to enhance focus, concentration, and mental clarity, making it useful for tasks requiring mental discipline. Hematite is often associated with promoting courage, strength, and vitality. Additionally, hematite is believed to have a protective energy that shields against negative energies and electromagnetic radiation

CLEAR QUARTZ is often used as a guru bead on a mala due to its unique properties and symbolism. As a crystal known for its clarity and amplifying abilities, clear quartz is believed to enhance spiritual growth, intuition, and clarity of thought. It is thought to amplify the energy and intentions of the wearer, making it a powerful tool for meditation and spiritual practices. Clear quartz is also associated with balancing and harmonizing the chakras, promoting overall well-being and positive energy flow. However, it's important to note that the effects of clear quartz can vary from person to person, and it's always advisable to trust your own intuition and personal experiences when working with crystals.

DISCLAIMER - I can’t advise, diagnose, prescribe or recommend any stone has any medical proven effects.