Moonstone and Tanzanite Gemstone stone pendant set in sterling Silver pendant
Moonstone and Tanzanite Gemstone stone pendant set in sterling Silver
Moonstone and Tanzanite Gemstone stone pendant
Moonstone and Tanzanite Gemstone stone pendant
Moonstone and Tanzanite Gemstone stone pendant set in sterling Silver pendant
Moonstone and Tanzanite Gemstone stone pendant set in sterling Silver
Moonstone and Tanzanite Gemstone stone pendant
Moonstone and Tanzanite Gemstone stone pendant



The focal point of this pendant is the resplendent Moonstone, known for its enchanting play of colors that mimics the ethereal glow of the moon. The Moonstone's iridescence dances with hues of blue, white, and subtle flashes of other colors, creating a mesmerizing visual spectacle.

Complementing the Moonstone is a Tanzanite gemstone, renowned for its striking violet-blue hue. The Tanzanite adds a touch of luxury and refinement to the pendant, enhancing its overall allure. The gemstones are carefully set in Sterling Silver to maximize their brilliance, allowing them to catch and reflect light, creating a radiant and eye-catching display.

(pendant only - chain sold separately)

Weight approx. 12.48 gm.

Size approx. 1 3/4” x 1”

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is believed to have various metaphysical and healing properties, and one commonly attributed property is its association with emotional balance. Many people believe that moonstone can help calm and soothe emotions, reducing stress and promoting inner harmony. It is often thought to be a stone of emotional healing, aiding in balancing mood swings and providing a sense of calmness during times of emotional turmoil. Keep in mind that these beliefs are based on metaphysical and alternative medicine perspectives, and scientific evidence may not support such claims.

TANZANITE is believed to be associated with spiritual growth, insight, and awareness. Keep in mind that these beliefs are subjective and may vary among individuals. Always approach such claims with an open mind and a recognition of the cultural or personal context in which they are made.

Tanzanite is believed to be associated with the below listed Chakras.

  1. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Located in the center of the forehead, the Third Eye Chakra is linked to intuition, perception, and spiritual awareness. It is often associated with the color indigo, and some believe that Tanzanite can help stimulate and balance this chakra, promoting insight and clarity.

  2. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Situated at the top of the head, the Crown Chakra is linked to higher consciousness, spiritual connection, and enlightenment. This chakra is associated with the color violet or white. Tanzanite is sometimes thought to open and activate the Crown Chakra, facilitating a deeper connection to spiritual realms.